UCMAC is dedicated to showing the love of God through helping Abbeville County families in crisis remain or become self-reliant. People who have experienced an emergency situation within the last 30 days and who have not been assisted in the past 12 months may qualify to be evaluated for assistance. Assistance may include, but is not limited to, the following:
Waiting room
Payment vouchers for:
Rent and mortgagepayments
Utilities (gas, electric and water)
Heating and fuel (propane, gasoline,
Transportation cost
G.E.D. testing
Referrals to:
Department of Social Services
SC Dept. of Employment & Workforce
Adult Education, Abbeville School System
Piedmont Technical College
GLEAMNS Human Resources, Inc.
Salvation Army
Abbeville Housing Authority
Upper Savannah Council on Aging
Emergency Assistance Hours
Thursday Mornings
Sign in begins at 9:30 am
First Come - First Served
Call 366-6525, option #1 for more information and learn the documentation you must bring for the qualifying process.